Our Services
From covering up your furniture to smooth amazing walls- We do it all! We strive to provide the best home painting service for you. A special care about putty and primer is taken while starting off with our project. You can choose the paints from reputed brands such as Asian Paints, Nerolac, Burger etc. We cover every minute details to make your walls expressive.
House Painting
Be it a traditional, classic or experimental painting, ‘Painters in Bangalore’ do it with excellence. Home painting requires a substantial cost and we make sure your every penny is worth the spending. We design walls of your rooms as well as take care of the exterior wall paints.
Interior Painting
The rooms where you end your day everyday needs attention while painting. Our professional painters try to make your interior painting an amazing experience. We primarily focus on color combinations and focal wall designing to make the interior space more captivating.
Exterior Painting
Exterior walls need extra protection from the scorching sun, heavy showers and dusty winds. We assist you in selection of the right paint for your exterior walls. We start off by removing the old paint flakes and algae on the wall and finish up with eye catching smooth walls.
Texture Paint
This new trending painting technique has a great demand. Our professional home painters create captivating effects on the focal walls through texture wall painting. Be it smoke, rustic metallic, classic wood or any other innovative texture wall designs, our painters nail it with dedication.
Kids Room Painting
Planning a makeover for kids’ room is an interesting task for us. Our professional painters listen to your kids desires about their room and then design it. It can be spiderman, hulk, barbie or just sparkling stars. Our home painters make sure to bring a smile on the kid’s face.
Stencil Painting
A stencil painting provides an artistic outlook to your space. We provide a catalogue of stencil painting for customers to choose from. There are more than thousand samples. Pattern flow, twinkling stars, fly away, sleepy owls are some of the most popular stencil painting.
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